
Developmental Editing

Fiction: Four cents ($0.04 USD) per word

Memoir: Five cents ($0.05 USD) per word

Query Letter Coaching

Flat Fee: Ninety dollars ($90 USD)


Fiction: One cent ($0.01 USD) per word

Memoir: Two cents ($0.02 USD) per word

Short Fiction

Individual Story: Twelve Dollars ($12.00 USD) per 1,000 words

Prose Chapbook: Two cents ($0.02 USD) per word

Full-Length Collection Manuscript: Three cents ($0.03 USD) cents per word

Authenticity/Sensitivity Reading

All rates start at two cents ($0.02 USD) per word.


Chabook Flat Fee: One hundred and fifty dollars ($150 USD)

Full-Length Collection Flat Fee: Two hundred and seventy-five dollars ($275 USD)

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